Women in Economics in LAC

WELAC is a standing committee of LACEA whose goal is to promote the careers of female economists and monitor the status of women in the profession with the aim to promote gender equity in the field of economics.

Key Facts

Mentorship Program




Raquel Fernández

Director of WELAC
Silver Professor of Economics
at New York University

Inés Berniell

WELAC Coordinator

Executive Committee

Laura Alfaro

Harvard Business school

Adriana Camacho

University of Los Andes

Ana María Ibáñez

Development Bank

Renata Narita

University of São Paulo

Hugo Ñopo

The World Bank

Joana Silva

The World Bank

Silvana Tenreyro

London School of Economics

The WELAC Network

WELAC has been actively promoting the creation of women in economics committees within the national economics associations of several countries. These committees have been established or are in the final stages of being established in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Uruguay. Along with the Bolivian women in economics committee, they are part of the WELAC Network.


COMAE: Comité de Mujeres Argentinas en Economía.  This is the women economists’ committee of the Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (AAEP)

Committee chairs: Lucila Berniell, María Edo, & Cynthia Moskovits    


BOWEN: Bolivian Women in Economcs Network. This is the women economists’ committee of the Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia (SEBOL)

Committee chairs: Andrea Alcaraz & Liliana Serrate Mendía

Webpage: www.bowensebol.org


This is the women economists’ committee of the Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia (ANPEC)

Committee chairs: Paula Pereda, Fabiana Rocha, & Solange Ledi      


REM Chile: Red de Economistas Mujeres de Chile. This is the women economists’ committee of the Sociedad de Economía de Chile (Sechi)

Committee chairs: Sofia Correa, Andrea Repetto, Sofia Bauducco, & Francisca Pérez


This is the women economists’ committee of the Asociación Colombiana de Facultades y Departamentos de Economía (Afadeco)

Committee chairs: Adriana Camacho Gonzalez, & Maria Del Pilar López Uribe


This is the women economists’ committee of the Sociedad de Economistas del Uruguay (SEU)

Committee chairs: Verónica Amarante & Ana Balsa